Ordinary systems don't work well with Goulash:

  1. The bidding rises too quickly-there is often no space for bidding 2nd suits;
  2. usually 4-7 can be made by both sides. Low contracts are seldom doubled for penalty;
  3. length, controls, & fits matter more than points;
  4. Controls can be VIP in defense& in slam choices;
  5. It's very important to show your suit(s) As Soon As Possible to find a fit;

So I have developed this system " KwikQ " to take advantage of the grace afforded low bids (no one doubles these for business) & the need to show your distribution immediately & your trump & other controls quickly, preferably below game!

Start bidding with any 5+ suit(s), even with 32 432 432 65432. you will not be doubled for business at 1, 2 or 3 ( or even 4 usually)! Decide on the level when you know the fit& the Controls. NoTrump bids are all repurposed in various ways, to show 2-suit hands, ask for Controls, etc.


  1. Find a fit quickly- or determine it's a misfit & quit!;
  2. When you are weak or single-suited, preempt opponents before they find a fit., but beware preempting a partner who has not yet bid;
  3. Showing voids/Aces is good both for slam decisions & for defense. ;
  4. Judge pass or game or slam or double based on tricks & controls rather than points;
  5. Get in opponents' way. Try to obstruct them starting blackwood or bidding an unbid suit you are short in;


  1. Open with any points and a 5+-you will never be profitably doubled at 1 or 2 level. With choices (slam/other suit) show suits/controls early, decide level last. no choices? Preempt at 4+;
  2. Simple shifts show support and a void or Ace. Jump shift deny 3+. Delayed support(after jump shift) usually implies 2 with some ruffing possibility;
  3. Raise to 2 is artificial investigatory. Does not show a fit;
  4. Raises to 3 show support and A/K/AK . Bid this before cuebidding other Aces or voids if Opponents are competing to make leading & slam decisions easier;
  5. Use doubles, 1/2NT, and opening 2-bids to specify 2-suited hands;
  6. 3NT opening or jump is Ace ask (otherwise to play). Good to stay lower, and when you have voids;
  7. Bid to 4 unless misfit. if weak misfit, quit early, let the opponents go down. They have a misfit too!;
  8. 3+ opening used to show 7+ suit and denies 3+ support for other suits.
  9. Sometimes better to preempt high rather than follow system exactly, depending on suit texture, unbid majors, etc;
  10. Often better to preempt to slam level when AKxxxxxxx+-(except in spades), It scares opponents off from doubling. They think you may make it with some crazy distribution;
  11. If you + P are both long in a suit + both weak, be wary. if no crossruff, you have few tricks, & if you both show the suit by preempting, you tell the opponents that their P has none. Sometimes lying low leads to a better score for you;
  12. If you're sure of final slam contract, bid it quickly. Don't let opponents know any more info. it is worthwhile to bid 7 if you are assured of your Controls + tricks;
  13. Count, count, count in the play. Play safe if in very good contract;
  14. Usually opening leads are either from length (so P can rough) or shortness (so leader can rough). Sometimes an unbid ace or singleton or deceptive low from K :D;
  15. Last to speak usually makes the final judgment whether or not to bid onward over slam. First to speak should double if thinking opponents are going down (NOT Lightner);

Click to expand:

Openings(choose 1st which applies)

Note:high card points are unnecessary at 1-3 levels-show your suits(s), decide level later! (usually alert opening bids:"5+ 0-30hcp").

The objective is to show your suit soonest so your Partner can decide as soon as possible whether there might be a fit.
  1. Pass with no 5+ suit & < 20 HCP(ALERT:No 5+, < 20 HCP)-implies probably a little support for whatever suit Partner has, but little ruffing value;
  2. Open 2-suit hands (5-5+ or 4-4+ with 20+hcp) with 1NT=majors, 2NT=minors, 2 major=same colour major & minor(bid the Major), 2 minor=different colours(bid the minor) ALERT:x & x 0-20 HCP;
  3. With 7+ suit, 4+ losers, open 3+ in suit to play. 3+ opening USUALLY denies 3+ in another suit. Exception:when 8+suit lacks top honours & when 2+ honours in an outside 3+ suit; [Hand mostly worthless unless a)suit bid is trump, or b) Partner has 7+ in other suit, but lacks honours.]
  4. With long, good suit, 1-3 losers or with void(s):3NT Ace ask. Alert:Asks P to cuebid aces;
  5. With long, good suit, no voids, 1-2 losers:4NT Blackwood (3nt usually preferable as it keeps bidding lower for a major game.) Usually have 1-2 aces;
  6. Bid 1 of a suit with any 5+ any points (with 20+ 4333 is OK) (ALERT:5+ 0-30) with:
    1. 3-4 support for another suit; or
    2. broken suit seeking support, or
    3. slam prospects, or;
    4. very weak hand.
Rebids by Opener when Responder passes:
  1. A rebid by Opener after Responder's pass response shows a 4-card suit. The higher the level, the better the first suit must be. Partner would have supported (via cue or raise) with 3+ support, or jump shifted with her own 5+suit(and appropriate strength for level), but may have 4 of Opener's 2nd suit. Responder should pass(or raise), or return to Opener's 1st suit;
  2. A reopening double shows a shortage in the Opponents' suit and Aces or Kings and 2-4 in the unbid suit(s) (and usually good 6+ if 1-suit hand, or a strong 2-suit hand). this allows Responder to convert the double to penalty with good trump, or choose the best spot without. if Responder were to double LHO's bid, it would show the other two suits, so Responder's pass usually show either a trump stack behind LHO or a very weak hand;
  3. 3NT rebid is to play. (Opener would open 3NT to ask Aces.) Responder might bid 4 of a major with a weak 6-card suit and ruffing ability;
Slam interest responses:

Control enquiries:

  1. Jump cuebid of opponent's suit asks for 1st round control. 1st level:no control; 2nd level:Ace or void. P0D123, P0R123;
  2. Jump 3NT is 3NT Ace ask. Responder has a trick source. ALERT:Asks P to cuebid aces;
  3. Jump 4NT is Blackwood (3nt is usually preferable as it keeps bidding lower. 4NT implies no voids, and missing only 2 aces);

2nd suit enquiries:

With several losers in an unbid suit, these bids ask Opener to bid another suit in which she has top honours. Respondent may have support for Opener or a very good suit of her own. - Alert: Strong, maybe no fit

  1. Raise of 1-bid to 2 of same suit;
  2. Bidding cheapest NT after 2 suits shown (X is used for remaining 2 suits, jump bid for a long suit);

Opener's rebids after 2nd suit enquiries:

  1. With strength in another suit:A, K, KQ, bid the suit. Rebid later shows Ace. Alert: some top honour(s );
  2. With none, rebid opening suit at lowest level without A or K, jump rebid with A/K/AK of own suit;
  3. If Opps interfere, opener should:
    1. Pass with nothing outside her suit and weak suit;
    2. X or XX to show top honour(s) in all unbid suit(s) - Alert:takeout;
    3. Bid a suit which has top honours - Alert:some top honours;
    4. Rebid her suit if strong in that suit;
Responses when no competition:

With Fit (any 3+, or 2 with a ruffing value opposite a 1-suit hand, or 2 honours). All fit-showing bids are forcing to 4-level:

  1. Jump raise to 5 of major suit=control of all other suits, asks P to bid 6 with 2 of top 3 trump honours, 7 with all 3, pass with 1 unless Ace and very long. "Small Slam Force".;
  2. Cue: Simple shifts< game=fit & Ace or void in suit bid. Opposite a 2-suit hand, bid the fit later. Alert:void or Ace;
  3. Trump cue: Double raise< game=fit & A or K or AK, & no other a or void. Alert:A/K/AK;
  4. Jump game raise denies K of trump or any Ace, though jump to 5+ of minor could be preemptive with A or K and length;
  5. Always cue under game (unless preempting); above game cue only with slam interest;

Without fit:

  1. 2NT jump=2 lowest unbid; 1NT=2 other suits;
  2. Jump shift or game shift = long, no 3+ support. Bid low when strong or shortish(5-6) & weak. Delayed raise of partner=1-2 support with ruffing possibilities;
Over competition:
  1. Non-jump shift under 4 = void or Ace, denies A or K of Partner's suit Alert:void/A;
  2. Raise of 1 to 2 shows Slam-interest; Does not confirm or deny support;
  3. Jump raise under game = A or K or AK in Partner's suit with 3+ Alert:A/K/AK;
  4. Jump cue bid of an Opponent's suit asks Partner for a 1st round control. 1st step denies. 2nd step shows void or Ace. P0D123 P0R123. Does not confirm or deny support;
  5. Jump/4 shift is to play. if weak with long weak outside suit (7+) better to jump (and possibly play) in the long suit before supporting Partner;
  6. X of slam is for penalties;
  7. If Partner showed 2 suits and Opponent overcalls, X is for penalty with no fit & 2+ trump tricks, not the 4th suit. Opener can take out with a long suit and no outside strength;
  8. Cheapest NT shows Slam-interest (use X for 2 unbid suits);
  9. 5NT asks P to bid 6 with both Aces in her suits & 2-suited bid, 6 with 1 Ace in her suit, 6 with no Aces in her suits. Responder will pass or correct. Alert:Ask's P's Aces;
  10. 6NT asks P to bid 7NT with Ace (not void) of last opposition suit bid, otherwise 7 ; Responder will pass or correct. This is to get into the higher-scoring NT contract when Responder has lots of tricks and a void in the opposition's last-bid suit. Alert:Ask's P's Ace of opp suit;

If Partner has shown 1 suit and Opposition has shown 1 suit:

  1. X = strength in the other 2 suits, at least 4-5, and max 2 support for Partner's suit;
  2. 5NT over 5/suit or 6NT over 6/suit asks P to choose between the unbid suits;
  3. Jump 6NT asks P to bid 7NT with Ace of opposition suit, otherwise 7 ; Responder will pass or correct. Alert:Ask's P's Ace of opp suit;
Opponent Opens 1/suit or 1/2NT:
  1. Jump to 3NT is 3NT Ace ask Alert:Asks P to cuebid Aces;
  2. Jump to 4NT is Blackwood (3nt is usually preferable as it keeps bidding lower);

For Opponents' bids which do not show a suit (artificial 1 or 2 , NT) ignore or use stolen bid:

  1. Over precision 1 , X= 1 of a suit=1 bid, 1NT=majors; 2NT=minors; 2 of a major=2-suit hand, same colour; 2 of a minor=different colours M/m;
  2. Over artificial 2 X= & , 2 = & , 2 =red suits, 2 =black suits, 2NT=minors or majors (responder to bid longest minor, opener to correct if necessary)'
  3. Over natural 1NT, X=majors, 2NT=minors, 2 = & , 2 = & , 2 =red suits, 2 =black suits; Jump with 1 long suit;
  4. Over natural 2NT, X=majors, 3NT=minors, 3 = & , 3 = & , 3 =red suits, 3 =black suits; Jump with 1 long suit;

Over natural 1 of suit opening:

  1. Cuebid=4441 or 4450 with the shortness in the Opponent's suit;
  2. 1NT overcall=2 highest unbid; 2NT jump = 2 lowest unbid; X=top and bottom unbid;
  3. Minimum overcall is like an opening 1 -=5+, 0-30, implies 3-4 support for an unbid suit;
  4. Jump suit is 7+, denies other 3+ major or 4+ minor;
  5. Other jump overcall denies 3-4 support for an unbid suit & is preemptive, eg, 2 ` over 1 of a minor. ;
Over opponent's 2+ natural suit opener or LHO bid + RHO raise when Partner has passed or not bid yet:
  1. Cue=any 4450 or 4441 with shortage in opp's suit;
  2. Jump/4+ overcall denies outside 3 of major or 4 of minor;
  3. Simple overcall=5+, no other 5+ suit;
  4. 2NT=lowest 2 unbid;
  5. Double=any 2 5+ suits (if 2NT was available, then 1 suit is thetop unbid;
  6. 3NT asks for Ace cuebids;
  7. 4NT is simple Blackwoood;

Over 5 opening or raise:

  1. Double asks partner to bid cheapest 3+ suit. Opener will pass, correct, or raise.
  2. 5NT asks P to bid her best suit between the two lowest unbid suits. Usually done with 6-6 distribution or better.

Over 6-7 bid:

  1. Double is for penalties. (likely As, Ks, in other suits; can be taken out by partner with 8+ suit, no defense);
  2. 6NT=2 lowest unbid;
  3. Bid=7+, no other 5+ suit;
  4. Cue=Bid best remaining suit!
LHO opens, Partner passes, RHO bids 2nd suit:

Assumption:Partner either has bidder's suit or a weak or a balanced hand.

  1. X = other 2 suits;
  2. With one long suit:
    1. With slam prospects, but 2/3 in another suit, cheapest NT is Slam-interest; ;
    2. Jump 3NT Ace ask or 4NT Blackwood if controls needed;
    3. Otherwise, jump as high as you can to obstruct Opponents. Partner will usually have 2-4 in support, but little ruffing, strength unknown. She may be able to double if Opponents continue, or raise with 2+Aces, Kings;

Opponents open slam:

  1. X is for penalties;
  2. 6NT asks P to bid choice of 2 lowest unbid suits, Opener will correct if necessary;

Score table:


Slam bidding:

Usually double opponent's slams in competition if you think it is likely to go down. Partner may takeout with zero defensive tricks;

3NT Ace-Ask

3NT is almost always to ask for aces. It is to play only when both have denied a fit.


No interference:
  1. With no aces: 4
  2. With 1+ aces: Ace:4// show the corresponding Ace, 4NT= Ace;

    Then 3N bidder bids:

    • If 3N bidder bids game: With 2nd Ace, responder bids 2nd ace under 6 level if possible, or raises P to slam if not.
    • If 3N bidder bids 4nt to ask for other aces: If only 1 ace, bid 5 to deny 2nd ace. If 2+ aces, bid cheapest, except if 2nd is !cA, then rebid 1st ace suit to show A
    • Slam- pass
If interference: P1D0R0cues - Responder:
4NT - Blackwood

Usually denies a void. Usually have at least 1 ace;

If interference:

P0D123 Pass=0 Aces. Double=1 Ace, 1st level=1 ace, 2nd level, 2....

This is usually better in goulash since you may want to leave any overcalls undisturbed versus doubled.

5NT continuation asks about 2nd round controls & confirms ALL aces;

  1. If trump has been agreed, bid a control (K or singleon) under the trump suit, or 6 of the agreed trump if no control under the trump suit;
  2. If trump has NOT been agreed, Show number of King, 5ouc=0 kings.
System Weaknesses:
  1. "Fit" is usually the first found-seldom is there room to explore other suits. Most exploring is controls only;
  2. Opponents can mess us up by preempting-but if we have even 1 bid in, judgments are easier;
  3. Often hard to tell trump quality. Have tried to address by making simple raises, + rebids after fit agreed, show a or K, before showing other controls;
1-suit hand:
5+ in one suit, all other suits< 5.
2-suit hand:
5+ in two suits. Could even be 8-5. if opponents are bidding or in response, could be 4-5+ if the 4-card suit is strong + long suit is short or weak.
2+ if Partner has shown 1 suit, 3+ if Partner has shown 2 suits.
"Game" Forcing-once support has been shown, auction is forcing to 4 level-almost game if a minor.
High Card Points (A=4, K=3, Q=2 J=1)
Opener's Left Hand opponent.
Opener's Right Hand opponent.
Shown suit:
Any suit shown by our side . 2-suit hand bids show both suits.
Shown Cue card:
Any Ace (or trump K) shown by our side by cuebid.
Solid suit:
6+ with at least 5 Solid tricks, i.e., AKQJTx, AKQJxxx, or AKQxxxxx or better-criterion is that if p is void, if trumps split, they all fall.
Unbid suit:
Any suit not shown by either side. Includes suits specified by NT or double or 2 opener.
Deal Source for bidding practice in BBO

Remember to enable Robot opponents for some competition. They play 2/1.
See http://henku.home.xs4all.nl/html/production.html for complete list of commands.
Paste into DealSource after you have started a Bidding Practice table

Basic Goulash hands-at least 1 6+ suit or 2 5+ suits:

bigN = shape(north, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx+ any 00xx
+ any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
bigS = shape(south, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx
+ any 00xx + any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx)
bigE = shape(east, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx
+ any 00xx + any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx)
bigW = shape(west, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx
+ any 00xx + any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx)
highNS = hcp(south)+hcp(north)> 19
bigE and bigW and bigN and bigS and highNS

Standard Goulash hands:

# This script produces Goulash hands.
# The amount of freakness can be hand set.
# Copyright Gerben Dirksen
goulnorth = (spades(north)*hearts(north)*diamonds(north)+
clubs(north)*hearts(north)+clubs(north)*diamonds(north)) -
gouleast = (spades(east)*hearts(east)*diamonds(east)+
clubs(east)*hearts(east)+clubs(east)*diamonds(east)) -
goulsouth = (spades(south)*hearts(south)*diamonds(south)+
clubs(south)*hearts(south)+clubs(south)*diamonds(south)) -
goulwest = (spades(west)*hearts(west)*diamonds(west)+
goulash = (goulnorth * gouleast * goulsouth * goulwest)/1000000
# Modify this number to generate deals of different freakness
# As a guideline, some values of the inverse fraction
# of the number hands thrown out are shown below.
# A value of 1000 means there will be 1000 hands generated
# for each hand produced.
# A recommended value is around 200.
# 500 -> 2.5
# 400 -> 7
# 300 -> 30
# 250 -> 75
# 200 -> 240
# 150 -> 950
# 100 -> 5500
# 50 -> 24000
goulash < 200

N or S having a solid 6+ suit:

solidN =(top4(north, clubs) + clubs(north)>
5) or (top3(north, clubs)and clubs(north)>
6) or
(top4(north, diamonds) + diamonds(north)> 5) or (top3(north, diamonds)and diamonds(north)> 6)
or(top4(north, hearts) + hearts(north)> 5) or (top3(north, hearts)and hearts(north)> 6)
or(top4(north, spades) + spades(north)> 5) or (top3(north, spades)and spades(north)> 6)
solidS =(top4(south, clubs) + clubs(south)> 5) or (top3(south, clubs)and clubs(south)> 6)
or(top4(south, diamonds) + diamonds(south)> 5) or (top3(south, diamonds)and diamonds(south)> 6)
or(top4(south, hearts) + hearts(south)> 5) or (top3(south, hearts)and hearts(south)> 6)
or(top4(south, spades) + spades(south)> 5) or (top3(south, spades)and spades(south)> 6)
bigN = shape(north, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx+ any 00xx
+ any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
bigS = shape(south, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx+ any 00xx
+ any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
bigE = shape(east, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx+ any 00xx
+ any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
bigW = shape(west, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx+ any 00xx
+ any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
BigE and BigW and ((SolidN and BigS) or (SolidS and BigN))

N or S having a 2-suit hand:

twoN = shape(north, any 55xx + any 56xx + any 57xx + any 58xx + any 66xx + any 67xx)
twoS = shape(south, any 55xx + any 56xx + any 57xx + any 58xx + any 66xx + any 67xx)
bigN = shape(north, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx
+ any 00xx + any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
bigS = shape(south, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx
+ any 00xx + any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
bigE = shape(east, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx
+ any 00xx + any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
bigW = shape(west, any 6xxx + any 7xxx + any 8xxx + any 9xxx
+ any 00xx + any 01xx + any 11xx + any 02xx + any 12xx + any 03xx )
BigE and BigW and ((TwoN and BigS) or (TwoS and BigN))

Other constraint examples& :

highNS = hcp(south)+hcp(north)>
#aces(south)==0 + kings(south)==1 + queens(south)< =2 + jacks(south)< =3 + tens(south)!=4
#diamonds(north)==6 + hcp(north, diamonds)< =5
spadeEW = spades(west)+spades(east)> 9
diamondEW = diamonds(west)+diamonds(east)> 9
heartEW = hearts(west)+hearts(east)> 9
clubEW = clubs(west)+clubs(east)> 9
competition = clubEW or heartEW or diamondEW or spadeEW
altcount 11 300 200 100 50 20
# -define an alternate point count at position 11 of 3
points for Aces, 2 for Ks, 1 for Qs, .5 for Js, .2 for tens
#(numbers x 10)c13(north) ==1070
## - use pointcount to constrain N (C13 = position 11)
##Control(north)=2#- Control count, where K=1, A=2
##Loser(north)=2# - the number of losers in the hand,
or the sum of the number of losers in each suit
##cccc(north)> 1200quality(north, spades)> 200#Kaplan + Rubens point count (x10)
##Both quality + cccc use the algorithms described in
The Bridge World_, October 1982, with the single exception
#thatt he values are multiplied by 100
(so that we can use integers for them).
#Thus, a minimum opening bid is about 1200,
rather than 12.00 as expressed in the text.